For all players looking for a good mud:

Why this mud is good?

The server is our own, so the mud will never close.
The imps said: we will never pwipe even with all the coding being done.
No cheating imms here: imms are not allowed to play mortals.
A lot of original code making this mud very different from others.
The server is improved often and is now stable.

Land of Neverending War is not easy to start on, but big people will
help you and Flea is often online to give some helpful advice. If you
want to build a character that will be around for a while, come join us now!

Coders: Flea.

Use Web Telnet

The dns of the server is

The ip of the server is

The port of the server is 4500

NEW: You can still become a beta tester of my new web game: Bloodarena of Shadow Divisions


Best viewed at 1024x768 resolution